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Please do not think you need to make it brief, tell the entire story and include things like how it makes you feel, how it has affected your relationships, your finances, your happiness, your work and anything else. Tell the world everything and don't hold back. People need to know how this is affecting other people. Other EHS or MCS people need to know that they are not alone and it helps them to read that others are having the same problems.

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<a href="" title="Radiation Refuge">Radiation Refuge</a>
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[ 20-06-2017 18:58 ] RFID...
RFID, a poem,
This is a poem written by a person suffering from severe life-threatening electromagneitc exposure.
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[ 20-06-2017 18:55 ] RFID...
RFID, a poem,
This is a poem written by a person suffering from severe life-threatening electromagneitc exposure.
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[ 03-02-2017 23:26 ] Being Electrosensitive...
(in a microwaved world)
Please Classify EHS as a Disability
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[ 11-08-2016 18:43 ] Sue McEwen's EHS story...
WTF am I going to do now?
Not knowing what EHS was but realising I now have this, and next step is wtf do I do next?!
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[ 01-10-2015 18:42 ] Anthony i worked with smart meters on a daily ...
Anthony i worked with smart meters on a daily basis and suffered
8yrs ago,i developed stress/anxiety symptoms,insomnia,fatigue,swollen glands,digestive problems,tinnitus,allergies,funny taste in the mouth,couldn't smell properly,brain fog,finding it hard to make a decision,constant headaches,head pressure,high blood pressure and uncontrolled hyperventilating on a daily basis.I did really feel my body and or immune system was under attack
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[ 03-09-2015 19:23 ] Jody Watkins forced exile...
Jody Watkins forced exile
Jody Watkins forced exile
Then an NBN fixed wireless tower was proposed to be built just 300 meters from my boundary. This threatened to take away my safe haven and everything I had achieved to feel well. This being the only place I know to manage my health.
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[ 30-07-2015 05:56 ] ANN a desperate life...
Ann is in serious need of suitable accommodation
Ann is in serious need of suitable accommodation
Ann has been very ill for many years; she desperately needs to raise money for essential, urgent treatment. Ann is in serious need of suitable accommodation. She needs somewhere away from chemicals and electromagnetic fields – temporary or permanent. Her life is now one of suffering and deprivation – and doesn’t need to be
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[ 28-07-2015 07:20 ] Lewis Rowlands From liiife...
Lewis Rowlands From liiife
My name is Lewis Rowlands. I am 25 years old and I’m a recovered / recovering electro sensitive (I say recovering, as I know if I don’t stick to my program I would start to feel the effects of EMF again.),
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[ 13-07-2015 07:49 ] Testimony of Violette, 14 years old and electr...
Testimony of Violette, 14 years old and electrohypersensitive
I am going to tell you the story of the disaster which is occurring in my life. You may then form an opinion about responsibility for my fate.
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[ 13-07-2015 07:44 ] Smartphones now causing permanent health probl...
Smartphones now causing permanent health problems in chronic users
(NaturalNews) Skull on fire, writhing in pain, one journalist tells his own story about the onset of searing headaches and the feeling of being "hit over the head with a rod of steel." That's how journalist Adam Estes described the mysterious "bolts of pain" that shot from the top of his neck and across his skull.
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[ 06-07-2015 05:17 ] Stephanie Dickerson - teacher - began having h...
Stephanie Dickerson - teacher - began having heart pounding
My story starts years ago, 2002, when, beginning my career as a new teacher in public school, I began having insomnia and headaches. My school had a wireless system, and we all had new school laptops to use. At home, I began using wireless technology.
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[ 05-07-2015 10:44 ] Bruce Evans - my EHS story...
Bruce Evans - my EHS story
Bruce Evans - my EHS story
I was forced to move to the country and was lucky enough that my father had a cottage in the hills that has none, or extremely limited phone coverage. I can live here without any problems from phone towers. The land that the cottage is on is crown land and adjoins our titled land and has been used by our family for over 150 years as one block. It is located outside of Wangaratta Victoria in the King Valley. There are wineries and all sorts of other things in the area on the other side of the mountain. There are towns within 30 min drive. Sadly, they have now turned on the NBN in the next valley and I have been feeling the effects for a couple of weeks. More bad news came in the last week about phone towers that are being placed right where I am hiding. They plan to put 4G and NBN everywhere here. So the future does not look good.
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[ 05-07-2015 10:01 ] Debra Martin - My story began in 2002 when I f...
Debra Martin - My story began in 2002 when I first started getting sick
My story began in 2002 when I first started getting sick. I already had multiple food allergies/sensitivities I was reacting too at this stage but everything got suddenly worse after a mercury filling fell out and I swallowed it. A few years earlier, the same thing had happened and that’s when the food allergies started. I started to experience severe brain/nervous system inflammation and out of desperation, went to a chiropractor. For the following 5 years I worked for 2 Chiropractors and had Corrective treatment of 2-3 adjustments a week. All my symptoms went into remission. In 2008, while working in Administration, I found as the intensity of adjustments wore off, the inflammation began to come back. Then another filling fell out and I swallowed a good deal of it again. Everything went downhill after that.
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[ 04-07-2015 18:31 ] She is allergic to electronics...
meet the woman who says she is allergic to electronics
meet the woman who says she is allergic to electronics
meet the woman who says she is allergic to electronics
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[ 23-06-2015 18:25 ] Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe ...
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe is a medical doctor with Emergency Medicine as her specialist area. In training for this specialty she has a broad base of medical experience including surgery, anaesthesiology and intensive care (both neonatal and adult).
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[ 23-06-2015 18:22 ] GUARDS Bio-Catherine Kleiber...
GUARDS Bio-Catherine Kleiber
GUARDS Bio Catherine Kleiber
Catherine Kleiber is EHS and with her husband Dan and their two young sons own and operate the 500 acre Anisoptera Farm in Waterloo, Wisconsin, USA pasture-raising pork, beef and free-range poultry in a sustainable manner. . The Kleibers have been active in the fight against smart meters and understand it is completely unethical to install these radiation-emitting devices on homes and businesses.
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[ 23-06-2015 17:56 ] Sarah Benson...
Sarah Benson EHS story
Sarah Benson EHS story
As far as I knew, I was the only one on the planet with this problem, from initial exposures to mobile phones - I started trying to do something, writing to various agencies and so on as I sensed that it was the start of something dangerous. For about 3 months I slaved alone, until by some miraculous stroke of luck (well, it was destiny really) I met Don Maisch who was visiting a cousin of his at the same school as my son attended.
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] ARE SMART METERS A HEALTH HAZARD...
The day smart meter transmissions were enabled in her neighbourhood, Maria collapsed. It was only later that she discovered what had caused her to suddenly develop an erratic and life threatening heart arrhythmia. Her astute GP told her to go out of the area, away from smart meters. Within hours of doing this she gradually began to feel better. She spent a month away from her home, being cared for by her family before she could return....
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] From Wireless to Wired...
After learning about hazards of wireless radiation family transitioned from wireless to wired
After learning about the hazards of wireless radiation our family has transitioned from a wireless to a wired home environment. It was a difficult process but well worth the effort! The wireless revolution has come upon us quickly. We now have more mobile-connected devices than people!
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Tims story Graphic Designer 22 years old...
Tim's story, Graphic Designer 22 years old
Tim had just started a new job as a graphic designer , in a small inner city terrace studio in Melbourne. Over a period of three weeks he became quite unwell ,suffering headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, heart palpitations, severe kidney pain and an inability to concentrate.
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Rosemary and Vic's story...
Rosemary and Vic's story
Rosemary and Vic had lived in their home for twenty years. Shortly after installation of a smart meter they noticed ringing in their ears, dizziness, nausea, headaches and heart palpitations. When away from their home, their symptoms would subside, but would come back with a vengeance every time they re-entered their home
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Maureens Story...
Maureen knew nothing about smart meters when she became sick. Initially she did not even know that one had been fitted to her home.
Maureen knew nothing about smart meters when she became sick. Initially she did not even know that one had been fitted to her home.
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Steve's Story. IT Professional, 44 years old...
Steve discovered he was sensitive to EMR well before he discovered through his own research that there is a label for this condition - electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
Steve discovered he was sensitive to EMR well before he discovered through his own research that there is a label for this condition - electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Tamara's Story. Teacher, 47 years old...
Tamara's Story. Teacher, 47 years old
Tamara says she was just an ordinary person, working part time and running her home, when she became suddenly ill, suffering pains in her head, heart palpitations, pains in her bones, tinnitus, poor short-term memory, red skin and eyes, a rash on her arms, difficulty sleeping and a general feeling of fatigue and being unwell.
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[ 22-06-2015 10:25 ] Beth Sturdivant a successful business woman wi...
Beth Sturdivant a successful business woman with EHS
Beth Sturdivant a successful business woman with EHS
Beth Sturdivant is a dynamic and successful business woman. She owns and operates two Subway restaurants and other commercial interests. She shares a beautiful life with her beautiful family in a beautiful new home. But hiding in Beth’s backyard is an ugly secret – one that will possess her mind and body and threaten to destroy her life.
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[ 31-07-2015 05:27 ] Electro Magnetic Radiation sensitivity has bee...
Electro Magnetic Radiation sensitivity has been an ongoing issue for me for many years now
For years I had terrible pain and heat in my head, an awfully high pitched sound in my ears and all the signs of electro-magnetic pollution. In fact, my hair was falling out. I was pulling out chunks of it.
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[ 14-07-2015 15:21 ] Wendy McClelland - when I first got sick from ...
Wendy McClelland - when I first got sick from EMR & RFR in 1998
Wendy McClelland - when I first got sick from EMR & RFR in 1998
Prior to mid March 1998 I was fit and healthy, leading an enjoyable social life and was always employed full time. Then I was exposed to a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation at my new place of employment and from a nearby telecommunications tower in a suburb of Newcastle from March to June 1998.
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[ 23-06-2015 18:02 ] Shannnons EHS story...
Shannnons EHS story
cannot pinpoint an actual date or even month for when my EHS symptoms started. It was both gradual and sudden. Looking back I can see that it was gradual as I now understand what some of my symptoms and health problems were linked to when at the time I didn’t know. But when I first recognized it, it felt sudden. When I abruptly sometime in 2014 could no longer hold a cell phone in my hands as the pain was too great.