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Rosemary and Vic's story

Rosemary and Vic's story

Rosemary and Vic's story

Rosemary and Vic had lived in their home for twenty years. Shortly after installation of a smart meter they noticed ringing in their ears, dizziness, nausea, headaches and heart palpitations. When away from their home, their symptoms would subside, but would come back with a vengeance every time they re-entered their home.

“We phoned our power distributor to ask to have their smart meter removed, but they refused despite their desperate pleas and having a doctor's certificate. The power distributor admitted that they were aware that 5% to 10% of the population are really sensitive to these radiofrequencies.” 

Out of desperation they moved into their van, away from the smart meter. They lived in the van for six months ,while trying to resolve the problem by again contacting their power distributor, the Energy and Water Ombudsman and Energy Safe Victoria with no resolution. They have been forced to move interstate, leaving their friends and family, just to get away from smart meters.