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From Wireless to Wired

After learning about hazards of wireless radiation family transitioned from wireless to wired
 From Wireless to Wired – Our Family’s Journey

After learning about the hazards of wireless radiation our family has transitioned from a wireless to a wired home environment.  It was a difficult process but well worth the effort!

The wireless revolution has come upon us quickly. We now have more mobile-connected devices than people!  (See Cisco Visual Networking Index.)

However this level of unnatural radiation comes with a price. Dr. Paul J. Rosch, Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at New York Medical College believes the cost may take years to manifest.

All communication in the body eventually takes place via very subtle electromagnetic signaling between cells that is now being disrupted by artificial electropollution we have not had time to adapt to.

As Alvin Toffler emphasized in Future Shock, too much change in too short a time produces severe stress due to adaptational failure. The adverse effects of electrosmog may take decades to be appreciated, although some, like carcinogenicity, are already starting to surface. This gigantic experiment on our children and grandchildren could result in massive damage to mind and body with the potential to produce a disaster of unprecedented proportions, unless proper precautions are immediately implemented.

(For more expert opinions on the wireless revolution see Electromagnetic Health’s Quotes from Experts.)

The more I have studied, the more convinced I am that cutting back on wireless devices in the home is critical. It wasn’t until an electromagnetic radiation specialist measured our home that I felt compelled to take action. Note the dramatic decrease in radio frequency (RF) after turning off our Wi-Fi.

Our specialist suggested removing our cordless DECT phones, switching our light bulbs from compact fluorescent (CFL) to incandescent, replacing ionizing smoke alarms with photoelectric, and reducing or eliminating Wi-Fi. See these previous posts:
•Is Your Smoke Alarm a Biohazard?
•The Health Effects of Cordless Phones

From Wireless to Wired

We have been turning off the Wi-Fi and all computer connectivity at night for several years. (An immediate and simple change.) But our home and devices were geared to wireless. The task was daunting. I began by purchasing USB Ethernet adaptors for each MacBook. (Find the adaptor here. )

We contacted our Internet Service Provider about disconnecting the wireless feature from the router. We wanted to be “wired,” or connected via Ethernet cable, with all our devices. The initial response from the tech crew at the ISP was, “No, you can’t shut the modem down like that. It has to be on all the time. You don’t have the device to accommodate that.”

We looked at purchasing a different device that had an on-off switch to the wireless, but another friend suggested we call again. This time the tech said, “You can do that, but you have to do it manually with your computer.”

There are about four simple steps that allow us to disable the wireless feature and turn it back on any time we want, as many times during the day as we choose. Eliminating Wi-Fi altogether would be ideal, but this works for now.

Our remaining obstacle concerned a lack of Ethernet jacks. We had a total of four jacks in the house with six users, and a smart box where the phone and internet lines came together. None of these were near the room where the internet connection entered the house. So we ran a long Ethernet cable to one jack upstairs and connected the other jacks through a series of switches. Through trial and error, we found multiple jacks we could use.

Our teens resisted the changes initially.  “My life depends on Wi-Fi,” one daughter lamented. I empathized. We’ve made so many lifestyle changes over the last 7 years -another change felt overwhelming.

As with any change, I’ve learned that explanation helps. We discussed the hazards of  wireless radiation and reviewed some of the results of the electromagnetic inspection. I emphasized the improved connectivity that comes with wiring our devices. We whittled our use of Wi-Fi from 18 hours a day to three.

For more information, please see original article: