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WiFi Refugee Plight of the Modern Day Canary


Contact PersonShannon Rowan
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WiFi Refugee; Plight of the Modern Day Canary

"WiFi Refugee; Plight of the Modern Day Canary" is a newly released comprehensive book about what the modern-day "canaries" coping with injuries from microwave radiation in the form of electro-sensitivity, face in our microwaved world today.

The author Shannon Rowan tells her own story of being made a refugee having to flee from place to place in the United States in order to escape the ubiquitous ever-expanding wireless communications grids, alongside the stories of many other such WiFi refugees, including stories posted to the Radiation Refuge forum.

She also presents compelling scientific evidence to explain how humans, plants, animals and the entirely of our living planet is harmed by manmade electromagnetic radiation, along with nearly one hundred pages of solutions offered to help combat the damage and avoid further harm.

A must-read for anyone interested in this topic, either those already suffering, or those who care about the canaries and about safeguarding their own health and the health of their loved ones, and those who care about protecting and healing our injured planet.

The book is now available on Amazon worldwide in ebook and print format, and soon to be released on other major bookseller platforms and to include epub formats.

For more information about the author and her other works, please visit