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RF Explorer

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Affordable Spectrum Analysis

We couldn�t believe our eyes when we saw what this beauty can do: display frequency spectrum, including carrier and modulated wave, display Spread Spectrum activity if that exists, and show bandwidth to monitor frequency crowding, frequency deviation from expected, etc. RF Explorer

What does that mean? It means you can see what frequencies are present and the strength of each signal. Check cell phones, wi-fi, cordless phones, FM radio, CB radio, and a wide range of other wireless signals. Covers 15MHz-2700MHz (1kHz resolution) with no gaps, and with excellent dynamic range (-115dBm to 0dBm). High capacity Lithium polymer (included) for 16+ hours of continuous run, rechargeable by USB. Peak Max and Hold, Normal, Overwrite and Averaging modes. Can even connect to your PC! (USB cable not included) Lifetime free firmware upgrades. Pocket size and light weight, completely portable, solid aluminum metal case. Two separate SMA inputs and two antennas supplied: