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Creation of EHS Refuge Zone Italy

Creation of the first EHS Refuge Zone in Italy within the Vena del Gesso Regional Park
Creation of the first EHS Refuge Zone in Italy within the Vena del Gesso Regional Park

The first free Refuge Zone for the EHS (like that in France) has just been opened in Italy. It is within the Vena del Gesso Regional Park near the town of Brisighella in the province of Ravenna. After the one next to the Conservatoire Naturel des Espaces Naturels Rhône-Alpes in France, it is the second specially planned EHS Zone Refuge available in Europe, apart from the protected living areas in Sweden reserved for the EHS.

This project, unique in Italy and among the first in Europe, was started thanks to a private initiative, but the authorities of the Parc of Emilia Romagna in the urban district of Brisighella have made a major contribution to its creation and to publicising its existence. They plan a further extension in the future of the boundaries of this zone with low electromagnetic radiation.

For more information:

EHS Refuge Zone Parc Carne Brisighella Italy