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Beds, Fatigue, and Cell Phone Tower


Beds, Fatigue, and Cell Phone Tower

Author / Film MakerStevenMageeBooks
Creation Date25 Jul 2012
TopicsBeds and radiation

The side of the bed that you choose to sleep on can be the deciding factor in whether you are healthy or not.

The side of the bed that you choose to sleep on can be the deciding factor in whether you are healthy or not. Much to my suprise, I cleared up my fatigue symptoms by simply switching sides! Unfortunately, it did confirm my worst fears that there are patches of harmful radiation in city and suburban environments!!! The current ICNIRP exposure limit to protect against acute heating from microwaves is 61 V/m (at 2.45 GHz). The Public Health Department of the Government of Salzburg (2002) recommend an outdoor exposure limit of 0.06 V/m (0.001 microW/cm(2), 1 nW/cm(2)) and an indoor limit of 0.02 V/m (0.0001 microW/cm(2), 0.1 nW/cm(2)) for radio frequency radiation, to protect against the damaging non-thermal effects of microwaves.