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AB57 attempts to strip local governments of their lawful regulatory authority

AB57 attempts to strip local governments of their lawful regulatory authority

To Whom it May Concern:

Stop Smart Meters! is a grassroots network of thousands of people from around California, the United States, and internationally who are taking action to defend against the erosion of our safety, health, and privacy via forced utility “smart meter” deployments. We are multi-partisan and are based in rural Plumas County, California near Reno, Nevada. The reasons that people are active in our campaign are many, but our goal is the same. An immediate safety recall of so-called “smart” meters and an end to extortionate “opt out” fees.

Systemic safety problems with “smart” meters have led to fires and explosions which have caused deaths, injuries, and loss of property. Involuntary exposure to pulsed RF exposure has led to development of electro-sensitivity, and other health problems that the CPUC has heard about in detail from thousands of people—but failed to investigate. Cell towers and other wireless infrastructure also carry similar risks.

We join other California-based organizations and individuals in calling for a NO VOTE on AB57.  The legislation is an attempt by the wireless industry to steamroll local communities into accepting wireless facilities that are not appropriate—and often not even needed.

The 1996 Telecommunications Act—though a violation of Constitutional protections to life and liberty to force RF radiation ubiquitously when it is a known toxin—ostensibly already gives wireless companies authority to “fill gaps in service.” 

Why then does the wireless industry need state legislation in the form of AB57?  Because they want to be able to force towers and antennas into the middle of residential neighborhoods, at schools, hospitals, kindergartens, nature preserves and at other sensitive and inappropriate locations, acting without regard to the needs of local communities.

The World Health Organization has classified radio frequency from cell towers and other wireless facilities and devices as a Class 2B Possible Human Carcinogen after reviewing studies linking brain cancer to RF exposure from cell phones. A number of countries are restricting children’s wireless exposure, while local jurisdictions like Berkeley, CA are mandating warnings about cell phone radiation at the point of sale.

The desire for a statewide wireless network needs to be tempered by the thousands of studies showing DNA damage, cancer and other health problems arising from chronic RF exposure. AB57 is a blatant industry attempt to steamroll over contextual decision making in the planning process, circumvent precautionary measures and undermine local democracy that can effectively balance competing needs.  

Is the health epidemic being caused by chronic exposure to wireless RF radiation- an epidemic being tracked by the California Dept. of Public Health—not an “issue of statewide concern”?

Local elected planning boards must be able to review new wireless proposals, recommend alternatives, and reject inappropriate plans. To attempt to circumvent such authority will certainly result in grassroots revolts against projects, as we have seen with the LA Fire Dept. and community rebellion against the LA RICS cell tower program. Local review boards and commissions are an essential component of California’s planning system, and the state should not interfere.

AB57 attempts to strip local governments of their lawful regulatory authority to act on behalf of residents in planning issues affecting the wireless industry. Health, safety, property values and rights are all at risk.

We urge legislators of all political backgrounds to vote no on AB57. Please list us as strongly opposing this unreasonable and unnecessary legislation.

Joshua Hart MSc
PO Box 682 Portola, CA 96122

Stop Smart Meters! is grassroots-funded

•Campaign supplies •Cornet EMF Meters
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