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Wireless Safety Code questioned by Federal MPs

Wireless Safety Code questioned by Federal MPs

This report was issued today at 4pm and will be in the press over the next few days. This report was prepared by parliamentary standing committee on health after hearing from scientists and Health Canada. Every regulation regarding the health of wireless devices is driven by Health Canada's Safety Code 6. This report challenges HC in every aspect of their management of wireless safety.   It is also important because no public health body [or mobile company] will be able to quote back SC6 saying that it protects everyone because clearly there are so many weaknesses. If you go online today, you will see that Health Canada says their safety code protects everyone in all situations. It does not and HC has been called out.   My guess is that the safety code will end up being 100,000 lower than it is today... as the research unfolds and harm from the microwave frequencies becomes better known. Hopefully it won't take 26 years as it did for HC to do anything on smoking!   Please take the time to read the report. It is only 25 pages. Large print. It is important for every family.


Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada, in collaboration with the health departments of the provinces and territories, examine existing cancer data collection methods to improve the collection of information relating to wireless device use and cancer.

Recommendation 2

That Statistics Canada consider including questions related to electromagnetic hypersensitivity in the Canadian Community Health Survey.

Recommendation 3

That the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, consider funding research into electromagnetic hypersensitivity testing, diagnosis and treatment, and its possible impacts on health in the workplace.

Recommendation 4

That the Canadian Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the World Health Organization consider updating their guidelines and continuing education materials regarding the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic hypersensitivity to ensure they are based on the latest scientific evidence and reflect the symptoms of affected Canadians.

Recommendation 5

That the Government of Canada continue to provide reasonable accommodations for environmental sensitivities, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity, as required under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Recommendation 6

That Health Canada ensure the openness and transparency of its processes for the review of Safety Code 6, so that all Canadians have an opportunity to be informed about the evidence considered or excluded in such reviews, that outside experts are provided full information when doing independent reviews, and that the scientific rationale for any change is clearly communicated.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada establish a system for Canadians to report potential adverse reactions to radiofrequency fields.

Recommendation 8

That an independent scientific body recognized by Health Canada examine whether measures taken and guidelines provided in other countries, such as France and Israel, to limit the exposure of vulnerable populations, including infants, and young children in the school environment, to radiofrequencies should be adopted in Canada.

Recommendation 9

That the Government of Canada develop an awareness campaign relating to the safe use of wireless technologies, such as cell phones and Wi-Fi, in key environments such as the school and home to ensure that Canadian families and children are reducing risks related to radiofrequency exposure.

Recommendation 10

That Health Canada conduct a comprehensive review of all existing literature relating to radiofrequency fields and carcinogenicity based on international best practices.

Recommendation 11

That the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, consider funding research into the link between radiofrequency fields and potential health effects such as cancer, genetic damage, infertility, impairment to development and behaviour, harmful effects to eyes and on the brain, cardiovascular, biological and biochemical effects.

Recommendation 12

That the Government of Canada and manufacturers consider policy measures regarding the marketing of radiation emitting devices to children under the age of 14, in order to ensure they are aware of the health risks and how they can be avoided.

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