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 United States
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 Burkina Faso
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 Cote d'Ivoire
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 Gaza Strip and West Bank
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 The Holy See
 Trinidad and Tobago
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 Western Sahara
location type
 inner city
 outer suburbs
 semi rural
 country town
 sattelite city
 isolated valley
 isolated desert
 mountain region
 ocean front
school type
 pre school
cannot use image array
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Author: Barb Jones
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Vital Info
Does the location have WIFI?
Select NA if none. In hundreds of meters, how far is the nearest phone tower?
Does this location have a smart meter installed?
Does this location have a faraday cage?
Is the location using EMF blocking materials and have a measured level of protection?
Select NA if none. Of the available connections, how many are listed as strong or good signal?
Select NA if none. What is the average signal strength of these WIFI connections?
Select NA if none. Using a laptop or other device, how many WIFI connections are available?
Are there mobile phone towers or panels within one KLM of the location?
Is this location offering emergency refuge to EHS people in the case of serious complications?
Does the location have WIFI in the adjoining building?
Select NA if none. Roughly how many phone panels are there on the nearest tower?
Does this location allow the use of mobile phones?
Does this location allow the use of cordless phones or dect phones?
Select NA if no smart meter. If you have a smart meter on the premises, is it transmitting or manually read?
Select NA if no smart meter. How far from the room is the smart meter in meters approximately?

Upper Sturt Primary School

SuburbUpper Sturt
Street118 Upper Sturt Road
Contact PersonBarbJones
Contact Phone08 8339 2640
Upper Sturt Primary School is the perfect bush school site. Our beautiful bushland is inspirational for nature play-based learning, bringing the latest wellbeing and engagement research together.
Where the wild things are... "Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy, and eventually into sustainable patterns of living." (Barlow, 2004) Upper Sturt Primary School is the perfect bush school site. Our beautiful bushland is inspirational for nature play-based learning, bringing the latest wellbeing and engagement research together. Our school is ‘small by design’ with a whole school approach within a personalised framework for each child. We strive to help children develop competent essential skills and emotional wellness. PERMA (Positivity, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement) underpins our harmonious culture. Respect and empathy, mindfulness and expectations of personal integrity and quality extend to attitudes of kindness and caring in our community. Our journey to becoming the first public R-7 bush school in Australia has come at a time when there is strong evidence that children need time to play in nature, the benefit being that this time fosters life-long learning skills and decreases anxiety. Imagination, fascination, inquiry, creativity and problem solving feature in the opportunity to play and learn in the bush. With a high adult-to-child ratio, children receive the individual attention they need to achieve their personal best. We believe literacy and numeracy are the foundational skills to support independent learning and confidence to communicate in our ever increasing global community. The decision to be WiFi free fits with our environmental health focus, without limiting children’s access to research or other required internet services.