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Author: Sue McEwen
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Petition to Stop Media Censorship by ABC - Unfair Attack on Catalyst and Producer Dr. Maryanne Demasi.

Stop Media Censorship by ABC - Unfair Attack on Catalyst and Producer Dr. Maryanne Demasi

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Petitioning Ms Michelle Guthrie, Managing Director, ABC TV

Stop Media Censorship by ABC - Unfair Attack on Catalyst and Producer Dr. Maryanne Demasi

We, Australian citizens are appalled by the action taken by the ABC to retract the Catalyst episode that investigated potential health risks of wireless devices, titled “Wi-Fired?” and suspend the talented science journalist Dr. Maryanne Demasi.
ABC’s Audience & Consumer Affairs report is bogus. It has distorted facts to unfairly condemn the Catalyst program. The report clearly reveals that it was the mobile and wireless industry that has put pressure on the ABC (Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, AMTA). Heavily industry-funded researcher University of Wollongong psychologist Prof. Rodney Croft and sociologist Prof. Simon Chapman also led a media campaign to unfairly discredit Dr. Demasi and this episode of Catalyst. Dr. Demasi did a valuable service to the public by bringing to our attention the on-going debate over health effects of wireless radiation. This is exactly what investigative science journalists should do.
This is nothing but crude censorship of independent journalism to appease a powerful industry. We don’t want that in Australia and certainly not in the ABC that we, the public fund. ABC has put the public health risk behind its corporate interests. When some other countries are taking measures to reduce exposure of people to wireless microwave radiation, the ABC is shutting up its brightest science journalist for asking questions. Have a look at this very powerful message from a government agency of Cyprus to protect children from wireless devices. 

We urge you to reinstate the Wi-Fried? episode and Dr. Demasi’s duties on TV.
We also urge you to publicly make available the individuals who conducted the A&C Affairs review and wrote the report. We cannot allow hidden hands to ruin this program and its producer. 

This petition will be delivered to:
  • Ms Michelle Guthrie, Managing Director, ABC TV (Australia).