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Steve's Story. IT Professional, 44 years old

Steve discovered he was sensitive to EMR well before he discovered through his own research that there is a label for this condition - electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

Steve's Story. IT Professional, 44 years old

Steve discovered he was sensitive to EMR well before he discovered through his own research that there is a label for this condition - electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

He noted that, consistently, within minutes of using a wireless router he would feel a pressure in his head and chest, tingling sensations in his hands and face and would be left with a headache that could last for days. He also experienced severe discomfort when using a mobile phone.

Subsequently he was able to function quite happily by minimising his mobile phone usage and  using only wired devices in his home.

In 2011 smart meters were rolled out in his street. Although he resisted having one installed at his home, he has been severely affected by his two neighbour's smart meters, which were installed some three metres from his bedroom.

Soon after he experienced a consistent pattern of waking up at night with a severe sharp pain in his head and great difficulty falling back to sleep.

He says “every morning I would wake up with a serious headache which would make concentration and performing simple duties quite difficult. On a number of occasions I would wake up with my heart beating irregularly.”

2012 was an ongoing health battle for Steve, with increased sensitivity to wireless devices and even things that normally would not have bothered him such as laptops, phone chargers, and light dimmers increasing his suffering from constant headaches and lethargy.

He underwent many tests with his GP and neurologist, with all results returning negative for any brain disorders or tumours.

Steve says “I know it is wireless that is causing these issues, because when I go to areas that have very low EMR and no smart meters I feel fine after several days.” 

Steve has recently painted his house with shielding paint and installed RF blocking curtains. This action he says this has helped immensely to reduce his sensitivity to a manageable level.

Although Steve has taken precautionary measures in his own home at great expense, he is concerned at the lack of support, care and understanding by his power utility and the various government departments that he has been in contact with over this issue. He has effectively become a prisoner in his own home, because to venture out into the neighbourhood for extended periods of time leaves him drained and feeling unwell.