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Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs

 Smart Meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi use frequencies that are 900 MHz to 5 GHz. That is 900 million cycles per second to 5 billion cycles per second. Towers, their antennas, routers and other wireless infrastructure are bathing areas so we can use wireless. The real problem is there are reasons we wire devices because nothing in existence runs at those frequencies. Safety Code 6 in Canada uses the same science standards as the FCC but admits the mechanisms were missing linking the frequencies to adverse health effects. They left out the millions or trillions of frequencies of biological systems as well as the routers and antennas hitting all life. The frequencies are illegal as applied. Safety standards only considered tissue was heating, they left out the fact intricate electrical systems are electromagnetically induced. Ohm’s law wasn’t considered or used and it wasn’t understood cell voltages in your body are changed.

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