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Action needed to oppose AB57

Action needed to oppose AB57
 I oppose AB57.  My life and health was destroyed when a cell tower and radio frequency installation was placed across the street from my apartment near 2855 Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, CA.  When it was clear that the situation is not being regulated and when I learned that a previous tenant in my apartment died of a form of cancer associated with radio frequency/electrical issued I moved.  Shortly after another one of my neighbors died in a house fire I believe associated with his extreme sleep problems.  Google Andrew Goodwin.  Radio frequency, electrical shifts caused by smart meters and other sources are causing many people sleep problems.  My neighbor resorted to sleeping pills and alcohol.  Instead I realized I had to move even though moving has caused me serious financial hardship.  I have tried shielding materials and other remedies, but electric, magnetic, radio frequency issues are very complicated and I have not found a solution.  In addition, the deadly aspect of these forces is often an accumulation of multiple factors rather than just one.
Since moving several times, I now realize that I am one of a small percentage of sensitive people who hears noise from cell towers and smart meters.  I know I do not have tinnitus because the high frequency noise goes away when I am away from the source.   In my home, although it is not as bad as the apartment I had to leave, I hear high frequency noise almost always at home and I do not have peaceful enjoyment of my home.  I talked to the FCC when my apartment in Berkeley was at issue and I was informed that the FCC knows that a percentage of people are serious effected by radio frequency.  However, they have adopted a sort of marketing mean attitude, rather than a murder concern.  The representati ve from the FCC said they do not care if some people die from the lack of regulation.  I do not know what percentage of people need to be destroyed in order for the Federal government to take action.  Baby’s cries and the emergency broadcast signal are high pitched noises.  I believe our systems are on alert when we hear such noises.  Cell towers create this sort of noise.  In addition, my mother recently came to live with me.  In my previous apartment in Berkeley (different than the one causing acute problems), she soon had tingling in her feet and hands which I had as well.  I believe this is caused by the electric/magnet fields plu s the cell towers.  We are in a different city now where the fields are less dense than Berkeley and our tingling has gone away although the high pitch noise remains.
I believe the utility companies and all those motivated by greed are destroying lives and are being completely irresponsible about the effect their technology has on people.  They are motivated by short-term gain with gross negligence toward the future.  The only way this can be kept in check is through local governments.  I believe there will be a lot more cancer caused by radiation in the near future.  I believe a lot of insomnia is being caused by the electrical radiation.  I believe this will severely effect children.
I did not know anything about cell towers and radio frequency until I was heavily microwaved when I was living across from 285 5 Telegraph Ave in Berkeley.  I felt as if was experiencing radiation from the inside.  The radiation boils the water in our bodies.  With such vast networks of microwaves all across the world, I believe cell transmissions must be effecting the climate.  Causing more heat and precipita tion.
I hope that our government will act responsible toward its people and exercise caution and care in its decisions regarding cell towers.
Victoria Hoekstra

Please speak out against AB 57.

Write and Call your State Assemblyman and Senator 
In the East Bay:
Assemblyman Tony Thurmond 
1515 Clay Street, Ste 2201, Oakland, CA 94612
Senator Loni Hancock
District Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1333 Fax: (510) 286-3885
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District Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1333 Fax: (510) 286-3885
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District Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1333 Fax: (510) 286-3885
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1515 Clay Street, Ste 2202, Oakland, CA 94612